
Tributyl Citrate (TBC), Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (ATBC)

Item Tributyl citrate(TBC) Acetyl Tributyl Citrate(ATBC)
CAS 77-94-1 77-90-7
Molecular formula C18H32O7 C20H34O8
Content%≥ 99.0 99.0
Acidity %≤ 0.02 0.02
Chroma(Pt-Co)≤ 30 30
Moisture content %≤ 0.3 0.25
Relative density(25/25℃) 1.037—1.050 1.050—1.056
Package 200KGS/barrel General goods 200KGS/barrel General goods



TBC and ATBC have low volatility, are non-toxic, and have mold resistance. They are the main plasticizers of vinyl chloride (PVC) - vinylidene chloride (PVC) copolymers used in food packaging, children's toys, medical polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and precision instrument packaging; It is a plasticizer for vinyl chloride vinyl acetate copolymers, slow-release agents, and latex adhesives; It is also an important component of lubricating oil for surface treatment of tinplate, air freshener, deodorizer, and ink.

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